Profil für youngevity
- Benutzername:
- youngevity
- Name:
- Benutzer-Titel
Informationen über youngevity
- Homepage:
- Beschäftigung:
- Protein shakes
- Geschlecht:
- weiblich
- Hobbys:
- Health benefits of protein
- Wohnort:
- United State
- Biographie:
- Established 20 years ago, Youngevity's core philosophies are based on the principles of co-founder, Dr. Joel Wallach, who has dedicated his 40-year career to answering one crucial question: How can we live younger, longer? Dr. Wallach’s pioneering work proves that nutrition and environmental changes have a profound effect on our overall well-being. He helped expand the definition of wellness, while launching a movement that puts people on a holistic path to better health.
youngevity's Letzte Aktivitäten
- 06.05.2022:
- Zuletzt Online
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